Reason No. 380 — Why I Love the Internet and My Local Library!


I recently started reading Yummy Goods, the blog of the very talented Melissa Averinos. Melissa has a book out called Small Stash Sewing, which I thought might be PERFECT for using up sewing scraps and leftovers. I hate throwing bits away.

When I buy a craft book, I usually check Amazon’s “Look Inside” feature to gauge the variety of projects, but Melissa’s book is likely too new to have that feature yet. Dilemma: Whether to buy Small Stash all projects unseen. Because, yes, I obsess like this over buying stuff.

So imagine how thrilled I was to find a copy of Small Stash in the San Diego County Library system. I placed a hold on it and am itching to get my fingers on it to see if most of the projects are ones I’m likely to sew. That said, that sweet little unicorn is calling my name — perfect for birthday gifts for the little girls in Tau’s class.

When I realized the library system had cool craft books that were not yellowed with age and all on the subjects of either macrame or decoupage, I went looking for some of the other books that are on my Amazon wish list. And hey! Wouldn’t you know that most of them are now requested in my name and making their way to a HOLD shelf in a library near me!

Hooray for the San Diego County Library and online inter-library loans!



One response to “Reason No. 380 — Why I Love the Internet and My Local Library!

  1. As a librarian, this post meets with my 100% approval. :-)

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