About Us …

Dave and Sue blog from sunny San Diego where we’ve lived for over a decade! We jumped at the opportunity to move to the land of longboards and fish tacos when Dave was offered a job with an enzyme discovery and optimization company, and most days we love living in America’s Finest City.

We bike the roads and canyons (Dave), work on our Down Dogs and Simhasanas (Sue) and try to get to the beach as often as we can.

Our two boys, Tau and Maceo, keep us way up on our proverbial tippy-toes. Parenting for the first time in your 40s is not for the faint of heart.

nobaddays alludes to the sunny, palm-treed bumper stickers on many cars throughout our fine state. Do we have bad days? Of course we do, but we prefer to live each day with our wine glass half full instead of the alternative. Who wants to be left holding the glass half empty?

Welcome to our little patch of tech-suburbo-not-quite-Hollywood.

Wanna say hi but don’t want to comment? Drop us a line: