One Community: April!


One Community is a monthly photoblogging project where participants take pictures of their homes and communities with a theme in mind. The goal is to showcase similarities and differences in our communities worldwide.

Our cues this month come from Rebekah at Honeysuckle Life, and they are:  Flowers, Spring, Purple and Rise

Spring! What better way to celebrate than to go for a walk this past Saturday to our local Farmers Market with this guy. Maceo’s job was to sit back, chill and eat strawberries. He’s very good at it.


Flowers. There is a stall at our market that sells proteas, which just happen to be the national flower of South Africa. Obviously. Would you expect anything less of South Africa? I mean, come on!




Spring. The market positively hums with new growth — succulents, fresh flowers, organic eggs, every variety of cheese … you name it!

I bought two skeins of handmade pasta, one of which came with a recipe for creamy lemon-garlic fettuccine with asparagus. So I had to buy asparagus, right? 



Purple. The beets and their shocking purple! Beetroot always reminds me of my mom, would would steam and pickle large batches of it, and savor eating every slice. I’m not the biggest fan of beets, but they make me smile whenever I see them.


Rise. There is a woman at the market who specializes in French breads and pastries. There is always a swarm of customers around her stall, waiting to buy.

And oy! The BUTTER! And the CUSTARD! And the SUGAR! All of it, light and poufy fresh, fresh, fresh!


Maceo and I came home, stroller laden with goodies. All good!


Click the link below to read more One Community posts and join us!

The Rules: Post one or more photos interpreting the words for the month, and add your blog post to the link-up. Please include a link back to the link-up post on your One Community post, and take a look at some of the other links and comment on them. This link-up is all about building community!

8 responses to “One Community: April!

  1. Oh my goodness, those flowers are gorgeous! I’ve never seen anything quite like that before. Your farmer’s market looks amazing.

  2. I have never seen a protea before but they are beautiful and quite interesting. My small town has a farmer’s market every Saturday in the summer and I’ve been too chicken to go check it out. Oh, introverted me.

    • Nicole, I’m not a huge fan of crowds either, and don’t hit the market very often. Wearing a peak cap and dark glasses helps! You can come, people watch and shop (if you like) incognito.

  3. What beautiful signs of spring, from the flowers to the fresh produce and even fresh pasta (though dried). Nice.

  4. Gorgeous photos! Love your take on the “rise” theme and these proteas are absolutely stunning.
    We ate the first asparagus of the season last weekend, love them. xx

  5. My mouth is watering at that pastry. Love these shots, especially because I’ve been to that market with you and it is such a delight.

  6. Stopping by through the link-up. What a lovely celebration of spring – the farmer’s market is one of my favorite weekend activities!

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