One Community: March!


One Community is a monthly photoblogging project where participants take pictures of their homes and communities with a theme in mind. The theme varies by month. The goal is to showcase similarities and differences in our communities worldwide.

Our cues this month come from Sarah at Beauty School Dropout, and they are:  Shower, Calm, Green and Friendship

Here goes!

Shower. We haven’t had rain in San Diego in — pfft! — 300 days or something crazy?! Then this past week, it rained on and off for four days. It may as well have stormed for a month, punctuated by tornadoes, an avalanche and perhaps an earthquake or two.

San Diegans have a hard time with weather and with rain in particular for some reason. Local TV stations refer to coming showers as thunderstorms, even when there is no thunder, and a friend told me last week that we were due to have the worst weather in recent history for the region.

I got nervous for a moment until I remembered the night of torrential downpour, thunder and lightning that Dave, three-month-old Tau and I survived in Africa — a storm so fierce and unrelenting that rangers at the game lodge we were visiting had to drive us back to our rondawel through the mud in a big-wheel jeep, and even then it was touch and go.  I decided that the killer storm of San Diego 2014 probably wouldn’t be that bad.

This picture was taken through our dining room window Sunday. A steady but light rain, three days of it and, ahem, we survived!


Calm. Meet my new friend Shimi, that’s short for Sashimi. He sits on my desk at work and is charged with keeping me chilled and focused on the bigger things in life.


Green. Here is my little one, Maceo, watching the rain make puddles Sunday morning outside our bedroom window. He took every opportunity to slip outside and ride his push bike through the wet on our patio. He also took great pleasure in putting on his swim goggles and dunking his face in the deepest puddles.


Friendship. This past weekend was my birthday! And throughout the week I got small parcels from friends. Lovely books and fabric from Kelli, and this fun naked mail from my friend Joslin. She knows I love me some Dark Chocolate Raisinets!



Click the link below to read more One Community posts and join us!

The Rules: Post one or more photos interpreting the words for the month, and add your blog post to the link-up. Please include a link back to the link-up post on your One Community post, and take a look at some of the other links and comment on them. This link-up is all about building community!

7 responses to “One Community: March!

  1. Oh, Californians and their rain! Hehe. On-going joke, right? Glad you survived. Did you buy bottled water in preparation?? Hehe. DC-ers go crazy for snow. Crazy.

    Ironic that you named your fish after a food that is raw fish. I wanted a pet spider for my office. Never got one.

    How cute your boy dunked his head in puddles!! That musta been soooome rain!

    Hehe, chocolate raisinets = fruit. Harpy birthday!

  2. Happy belated birthday! Mine is in a couple of weeks and I fully intend to stretch the celebration out as long as I can. I love the office fish! We’ll see if I can keep my office plants alive before I go crazy and bring an animal to work.

  3. We complain about all the rain we’ve had in the last three months, but not to have any for the best part of a year – wow, I don’t know how I would cope.

    Shimi is a beauty.

    Belated Happy Birthday!

  4. Shimi is cool! I used to have a massive collection of fish and I really miss it. They are so interesting. It seems like the weather can never be balanced. We’re getting way too much snow and you aren’t getting nearly enough rain.

  5. Happy belated birthday! :)
    Great photos, I especially like the “Calm” ones, gorgeous colours. xx

  6. beautybymissl

    Shimi looks so pretty and cute :)

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