Beating Ploughshares into Antennas

For all you tech heads this side of the pond, something a little different.

Erik Hersman at White African has been blogging at TEDGlobal , a worldwide technology and design conference currently in Arusha, Tanzania. Take a look at his recent posts for an enthusiastic and interesting look at the proceedings. That and a way cool picture of Bono with Ghanaian economist and scholar George Ayittey.

I usually read White African for Erik’s great tech tips as well as news on how digital solutions are changing daily life in various African countries. I find it interesting how Africans use and adopt technology in very different ways to Europeans or North Americans. Obvious, I know, but the specifics are very interesting.

Erik is also involved with AfriGadget, an organization that highlights mostly low-tech solutions to everyday needs. Check their site for innovations that are a world away from your local Best Buy!

One response to “Beating Ploughshares into Antennas

  1. The Afrigadget site is way cool. I forwarded it to my team at work, they are going to totally love it.

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